21 October 2021

    Launch of our New Website


    Dear Valued Customers,

    Welcome to our new website!


    As you may have noticed, the Mitutoyo Asia Pacific website has just had a makeover. The look and navigation of the site is new and information has been made more accessible. A number of pages are still in progress, so please visit the site frequently as more content about our activities will become available.

    To serve you better, it is best that you can register during your first visit.

    The following are the details of the new makeover:

    1. More user-friendly interface

    2. Increased loading speed

    3. User login function will enable you to see more information and you will get a faster response from our representative officer. 


    Lastly, we hope you will like the new site and find the information you are looking for. We also warmly welcome your feedback and suggestions to our new website.

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    General Catalogue E-Book
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